Lindsay Dugan has been studying shakuhachi with Kaoru Kakizakai and Katsuya Yokoyama since 2004. Residing in Japan for over a decade, he performed at many prestigious venues including the Japanese National Theatre, and also appeared live on Japanese television.
In 2008, Lindsay graduated with a Masters degree in shakuhachi performance from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, studying with Riley Lee. In 2009, after receiving a Monbusho Scholarship from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Sports, Culture, Science, and Technology (MEXT), he commenced studies at Tokyo University of the Arts (Tokyo Geidai) under instruction from Kinkoryū teacher Jūmei Tokumaru, and graduated with a Masters degree in shakuhachi performance from Tokyo Geidai in 2014.
In 2015, he was granted a shihan license in the KSK/Chikushinkai, and in the same year commenced a PhD in Ethnomusicology at University of Melbourne, Australia, researching the performance of Katsuya Yokoyama.
Based in Melbourne, Lindsay is regularly performing, teaching, and presenting shakuhachi research in Australia and abroad (International Shakuhachi Festival Prague 2015, Australian Shakuhachi Festival 2018, World Shakuhachi Festival London 2018, KSK 30th Anniversary Festival in Bisei, Okayama, 2019). He is president of the Australian Shakuhachi Society. He has lectured on traditional Japanese music at Tokyo Geidai (2024) and will be teaching at Rikkyo University (2025).
2004年 柿界香先生、横山勝也先生の指導を受け始める
2008年 オーストラリア シドニー大学音楽院修士課程尺八専攻修了
2010年 文部科学省奨学金を受け、東京芸術大学大学院入学
2014年 東京芸術大学大学院修士課程、邦楽専攻修了
2015年 琴古流師範免状 取得
オーストラリア メルボルン大学大学院博士課程在籍、
2018年 オーストラリア尺八フェスティバル、メルボルン
2019年 国際尺八研修館30周年記念フェスティバル、

Honkyoku performance. (Photo by Toshi Ijuin)

Shika no Tōne with Kakizakai Kaoru (photo by Richard Chenhall)

Komusō garb (photo by Toshi Ijuin)

Honkyoku performance. (Photo by Toshi Ijuin)